Virtual Author Visits - Kindle Direct Publishing Workshop

Our authors had the pleasure of working with Maui Preparatory Academy’s math teacher Ms. Vashti Daise and nine students during their Interim Week from February 12–16, 2024 on a trial Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) Workshop. Working in small groups or individually, students created a poetry collection, a graphic novel/comic book, or a picture book. Visiting authors mentored students as they produced their work and learned to publish it through KDP. Students will share their work at Maui Prep’s K-12 Learning Fair on March 4, 2024. Proceeds from the book sales will contribute to the school’s Disaster Relief Fund which supports families affected by the devastating 2023 Lahaina fire.

Rising from the Ashes to the left and the four books below were published at the end of the workshop. 

“I am so grateful to this team for all of their support from start to finish as we all navigated our way through the book creating and publishing adventure.”

    – Vashti Daise

Testimonial from Maui Preparatory Academy

“I had a small group of middle and high school students who were interested in writing their own books, including artwork. I was able to get connected with an incredible group of authors from the Author Reader Connection who mentored all of us through this entire process. Our author mentors were unbelievably generous with their time, patience and talent.  Before the class began they came up with a framework for a workshop to help guide the students through the writing process. At our first class meeting our mentors from Author Reader Connection created a zoom link to meet with us and as time went by they arranged zoom meetings to check in with the students as they progressed. One of our goals was to publish the student’s books on KDP, so that they would be available as paperback books on Amazon. This amazing team researched the requirements and the publishing process, so that they were able to individually guide the students every step of the way.”

“This is a wonderful group of talented individuals and I highly recommend connecting with them if you would like to provide your students with the experience of writing a book.” 

        Vashti Daise – Teacher at Maui Preparatory Academy